Drama Therapy Collection
Drama Therapy Collection
Interview With Zeina Daccache
Zeina Daccache is a drama therapist, Board Certified Trainer, and founder of Catharsis: Lebanese Center for Drama Therapy. Their mission is to spread drama therapy around the country and region. They are mainly known for their work in Lebanese prisons. They also work with Palestinian refugees, Syrian refugees, migrant domestic workers, and anyone who would like to benefit from drama therapy, including corporations. Catharsis also has a training program for people aiming to become drama therapists. There were many challenges to working in the prisons, especially in face of the government and officials. Daccache describes her process of beginning work in Roumieh Prison, the largest prison in Lebanon. She describes her work starting as a drama therapist, then acting as a lawyer, an advocate, family mediator, and even involved in the inmates’ healthcare. Daccache also describes her work with women who experienced domestic violence. Daccache’s work has helped to change laws for justice impacted people in Lebanon. You can read more about her work at http://www.catharsislcdt.org/.