Drama Therapy Collection
Drama Therapy Collection
Interview With Stephanie Wichmann
Stephanie Wichmann, MSW, LICSW, RDT is on the teaching staff at SoCal Drama Therapy Centre teaching Special Populations with Drama Therapy courses. Stephanie was a NADTA alternative training (AT) drama therapy student, receiving her RDT certification in 2014. She is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with over 12 years experience utilizing her professional theater and comedy background as a means of individual/community engagement and therapy. She has worked across the age spectrum: children, teens, adult and older adults. Primary practice settings include hospitals, community organizations. Areas of specialization include: working with those affected by chronic illness, eating disorders, adjustment disorders, and learning disabilities. Stephanie is a consultant, speaker, and trainer on improvisation for change, humor and healing, creativity in the workplace, and cultivating resiliency through the dramatic art.